Internal Medicine & Primary Care

Doctors of internal medicine are trained to diagnose and treat diseases and health conditions in adults. We work with the patient to coordinate care where it is needed and help solve complicated primary care problems in diagnosis and treatment.

Paul M Schwartz is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Physical Medicine. He has been practicing in Internal Medicine for 25 years. We consider all aspects of  a patient’s health and promote good health by taking preventative action and providing the highest level of care.

To schedule an appointment with the doctor, you can visit our patient portal by clicking on the link below, or by calling the office at (561) 499-4217.

Custom Telehealth

Custom Telehealth is an integrated telehealth company that connects patients, providers, and institutions from anywhere at any time. Custom Telehealth utilizes state of the art technology to examine patients via mobile devices, PC’s, and varying telemedicine endpoints.

The platform enables healthcare providers and patients to securely connect with each other allowing for diagnosis and management of common to complex medical issues. The platform is HIPAA compliant and FDA approved.

The telehealth professional coordinates the virtual interaction between patient and provider by using phone, SMS text, email and web link.

To find out more information, click on the button below to be taken to the website.

telemedicine computer

Want to find out more?

Contact us by clicking on the button below, or call our office at (561)-499-4217

Care Coordination

The main goal at Paul M. Schwartz, MD PA is to meet patients’ needs and preferences in the delivery of high-quality and high-value health care. We believe that care coordination involves a strong bridge of communication between patient, provider, and all other parties involved in the patients’ health.

Care Coordination is a key strategy that has the potential to improve effectiveness, safety, and efficiency in a patients’ health and recovery. That’s why we take the time to coordinate your care to be convenient, flexible, and painless.

Hybrid Concierge

A hybrid concierge service is an option for a patient to receive more time and flexibility from the physician to receive care. With the average physician visit getting shorter and shorter, the hybrid concierge service gives patients the freedom to have choices in the types of healthcare services they receive.

Dr. Schwartz offers a hybrid concierge service to his patients, giving them the option to pay a monthly fee for the service and its benefits. With this hybrid model, we are still able to see all of our patients and simply offer this option for those who are interested.

While all patients will receive the same care from our physician’s office, concierge members would have more time and convenience in appointments and availability with the doctor. Most importantly, it allows you to build and expand your relationship with your physician.

If you are interested in our hybrid concierge program, you can click the link below or call the office at (561) 499-4217.

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation help to restore function and movement to people who have been disabled by injury or disease. We diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions that affects the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and the musculoskeletal system.

We work with our patients to provide treatment and rehabilitation options that take into account the needs, abilities, and objectives of each patient. Dr. Schwartz is board certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and works closely with the patient to understand the condition and come up with the best treatment possible.

Non Operative Pain Management

Nonoperative pain management specializes in treating chronic and acute musculoskeletal injuries that do not require surgery. Patients seeking non-operative pain management care will be thoroughly evaluated with a physical examination, asked about their past medical history and possibly examined with advanced medical imaging.

Our staff will use this information to come up with a plan to address the issue. In cases where surgery is necessary, we will refer you to a surgeon to get the job done. Our physiatrist will use his knowledge and experience to help you find relief from the pain by developing a customized plan to get to the root of the cause.